How to Create a Monochromatic Color Scheme With High Gloss Paint

Monochromatic color schemes bring elegance and modernity to every living space. With a single-color paint palette, furniture and decor pieces take the spotlight and allow for endless possibilities with interior design. However, your furniture should not absorb all of the shine from your living space. Shoreline High Gloss pairs the decadence of monochromatic color schemes with the eye-catching wonders of high gloss paint. 

What is high gloss paint, and how does it pair with the interior trend of monochromatic walls? With these monochromatic high gloss painting tips, Shoreline High Gloss can assure your living space will never be dull.

What Is a Monochromatic Color Scheme?

The most common misconception for monochromatic color schemes is that they consist of a singular color. Is there truth in this statement? Yes, but color theory can add more to a monochromatic color scheme. A monochromatic color palette works with one hue and adds varying tints, tones and shades:

  • Hue: A hue is the purest form of a color. The color blue has a blue hue, and there is no interception from other colors.
  • Tint: A tint is a color plus white. This is how we can create lighter colors and pastels. For instance, lavender is a tint of the color purple.
  • Tone: A tone is a color plus gray or equal amounts of black and white. This mixture of colors provides a more subtle pigment.
  • Shade: A shade is a color plus black. With the introduction of black, the color becomes darker and more defined, like red and maroon. 

When choosing monochromatic color schemes for your home, you can choose a foundational color and incorporate the different tints, tones and shades to fit your taste. Elevate your space with texture and vibrancy using monochromatic color schemes for high gloss paint instead of flat, matte, eggshell or satin finishes.

Why Use a Monochromatic Color Palette?

You know what a monochromatic color palette looks like, but why should you incorporate it into your office or living space? Monochromatic color palettes are entirely customizable for you and your design preferences. With Shoreline High Gloss applications and monochromatic color schemes, you’ll achieve your perfect paint design that will never lose its luster.

Monochromatic color palettes lay the foundation for high gloss paint on cabinets, ceilings, doors, stairs and walls. Statement pieces that introduce alternate shades and textures have taken the interior design trend by storm and allow for endless customizability. 

Why Use a Monochromatic Color Palette?

Say, for instance, that your favorite color is blue. With a monochromatic color palette, you can design your living space with various tints and shades of blue paint, or you could choose neutral colors like whites, grays and tans to allow a set of blue furniture and decor to take prominence. The colors can be bold or muted, and the number of variations is at your discretion. There are no limits for high gloss monochromatic colors in your home.

Tips for High Gloss Monochromatic Rooms

Establishing your first high gloss monochromatic color scheme can be a bit daunting. Stay true to your aesthetics and follow these tips for high gloss monochromatic rooms.

Use a Carpet or Statement Piece

Start with your favorite carpet or statement piece if you are unsure what color or colors to use. Are there different colors within the design of the rug you can use to your advantage? Take those colors and run with them. It is often harder to find statement pieces that will match the walls of your room than to use that focal point as a start. 

Think of the different shades and tints that can incorporate into the room’s design. Use the base color from the carpet or rug and look at the different tints and shades resulting from that color. If you do not want to base the monochromatic color scheme on the color of the statement piece, consider using its contrasting color.

Add Contrast

A contrasting color, or complementary color, sits on the opposite side of the color wheel from another. You can use these color contrasts to add life and dimension to your living space. Some of the most popular color pairs are red and green, blue and orange, and yellow and purple. 

Consider incorporating contrast with the high gloss monochromatic color scheme and your furniture. Is your living room painted with a fresh hue of yellow? Add a vase of purple lilies or a painting of a lavender field to add a pop of color.

Layer Colors

You chose which color you want to use in your room, now what? Add more! Find similar colors with the same undertone that will fit the color and mood of your living space. 

For instance, shades of blue and gray may not appear to be the same color, but they have similar tones. Gray is a common color used in monochromatic color schemes since you can layer it with many different shades and colors. Have professionals from Shoreline High Gloss incorporate high gloss gray paint with shades of blue and silver to master the interior feat of color layering.

Use Textures to Your Advantage

Built-in features, like tiles and paneling, are an effective way to distract the eye and provide an aesthetic touch to your living space. By incorporating a variety of textures into your monochromatic color scheme, patterns and shapes will break up the recurring colors in the room. 

Adding high gloss paint to cabinets, ceilings, doors, stairs and walls adds a similar effect to the room. High gloss paint creates texture within a room by reflecting light and highlighting dimension. Also, look for decorative pillows and blankets with geometric shapes, animal prints or flowers for an easy but tasteful touch. 

High Gloss Paint Colors for a Monochromatic Look

Monochromatic looks bring emotion and visual aesthetics to your living space. Color variations and combinations express different moods for each room, which provides a unique and personalized touch for interior design. 

A high gloss monochromatic color scheme for a bedroom may vary from an in-home office. The bedroom may use more comforting and muted tones for unwinding in the evening, while the office may have brighter tints and a high gloss ceiling to accentuate the natural lighting coming in from the windows. 

You can choose the perfect paint colors for your monochromatic look no matter the space with these tips:

  • Comfort: For extra notes of comfort, incorporate shades of blue, soft grays or neutrals — brown, tan, beige and cream — into your bedroom or nursery. These muted tones are easy on the eyes and provide a softer feel for the space. Finish the ceiling with high gloss paint to add a dreamy and reflective visual effect.
  • Vibrancy: Use red, yellow and pink to pack a punch in your office or living room. Incorporate a high gloss paint on the room’s trim to highlight every feature. Bright colors add light and energy to the spaces you want to appear more lively.
  • Elegance: A combination of black and white, light greens and muted oranges add elegance to your dining room or den. These colors are sleek and sophisticated, especially when paired with cabinets finished with high gloss paint.

You can use these monochromatic looks interchangeably or together. Bring comfort into your bedroom with neutral, high gloss paint while adding a touch of vibrancy with a red chair. There is no right or wrong answer for high gloss paint and monochromatic color schemes. Evaluate your living space and assess where you would like to add sophistication to achieve that “wow” effect on guests. 

Add a High Gloss Monochromatic Look to Your Home With Shoreline High Gloss

These monochromatic high gloss color schemes can transform your space from floor to ceiling. By choosing various tints and shades of color, introducing reflective light and layering colors, you can avoid a dull and matte living space.

High gloss paint must be prepared and applied with perfection. Shoreline High Gloss is a Fine Paints of Europe Master Certified Painter serving Palm Beach, Florida, and New York City, and we have the experience needed to transform your home. Reach out to us today to learn more about our high gloss painting services.

Add a High Gloss Monochromatic Look to Your Home With Shoreline High Gloss